Teaching room utilisation

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Booking the classroom - Water experience centre

Booking the classroom

Create your own lessons here

Our WEZ teaching room can be hired for the organisation of your own lessons.


Tables with max. 36 seats
12 stereo microscopes (Olympus)
10 microscopes (Olympus)
1 microscope camera (connected to projector)
1 computer (connected to projector)
Dishes, petri dishes, tweezers and pipettes,...
Nets for catching aquatic animals
Identification key for aquatic animals
Plankton net with telescopic pole

Booking the classroom - Water experience centre
Booking the classroom - Water experience centre
Booking the classroom - Water experience centre
Booking the classroom - Water experience centre
Booking the classroom - Water experience centre
Booking the classroom - Water experience centre
WEZ, - Wassererlebniszentrum
WEZ - Wassererlebniszentrum