Freshwater mussel rearing station

Brown trouts - Mussel rearing station

Mussel rearing station

Breeding of endangered mussel species

At the mussel breeding station at the Kalborn mill, the endangered species of freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and river mussel (Unio crassus) are bred. The aim of this work is to release the mussels back into the river as soon as they have reached a size where they no longer live in burrows but are visible in the riverbed.

This significantly increases their likelihood of survival. In addition to mussel farming, it is very important to improve the quality of the Our as a habitat through various measures. These measures not only benefit the mussels, but also all other aquatic organisms.

Mussel farming is very time-consuming: Firstly, the mussel larvae are collected after they have been expelled by the adult mussels in order to infect the host fish.

The small mussels of less than half a millimetre that develop on the host fish are caught in nets in special facilities and then initially reared in plastic boxes in a temperature-controlled cabinet, where they are fed with single-cell algae.

The mussels grow very slowly, reaching a maximum of two to three centimetres after around four years.

The first attempts to release them into the wild in large boxes with gravel have already been carried out.

Brown trout - Mussel rearing station
Extraction system for juvenile mussels
Juvenile mussels (freshwater pearl mussel)
Boxes for rearing jevenile mussels
Facilities for keeping mussels
Aquariums with mussels - Mussel rearing station
Young mussels - Mussel rearing station
The farmed mussels are released into the wild
Adult river mussels (Unio crassus)
Freshwater pearl mussel 1 - Mussel rearing station
Freshwater pearl mussel 2 - Mussel rearing station