Universities & technical colleges

Pupils at the Mill of Kalborn

Research station for universities, universities of applied sciences

Plan your own courses

The Water Experience Centre offers universities, technical colleges and secondary schools the opportunity to hold lessons and excursions with student groups.

We offer:

  • A direct location on the river Our in the north of Luxembourg in the Natura 2000 area Ourtal (LU 000 1002)
  • A classroom with an area of approx. 100 m2 with a maximum of 36 seats
  • Natura 2000 exhibition room
  • Guided tour of the mussel breeding station and information about nature conservation projects: Life Unio (www.unio.lu) and Life river pearl mussel
  • Picnic tables
  • Kitchen (equipped with fridge, oven, hob, dishwasher).
  • Help with planning your visit (e.g. finding accommodation, catering, transport)

We provide the following research equipment and various materials:

  • 12 stereomicroscopes (Olympus, SZ51-45 (6 - 45x)
  • 10 microscopes (Olympus, CX33RTFS2 (40x - 1000x)
  • 1 microscope camera (connected to projector)
  • 1 computer (connected to projector)
  • Screen
  • Various laboratory equipment for analysing water and sediment
  • Dishes, petri dishes, tweezers and pipettes, buckets, nets, etc.
  • Plankton net
  • Books: Was lebt in Tümpel, Bach und Weiher, Das Leben im Wassertropfen, Die Fische Luxemburgs
Microscopes - Research station for universities, universities of applied sciences
Classroom WEZ 1 - Research station for universities, universities of applied sciences
Classroom WEZ 3 - Research station for universities, universities of applied sciences
Classroom WEZ 3 - Research station for universities, universities of applied sciences
Fire salamander - Research station for universities, universities of applied sciences
Dragonfly larva - Research station for universities, universities of applied sciences
WEZ, - Wassererlebniszentrum
WEZ - Wassererlebniszentrum

Possible excursions in the Our valley and at the Kalborn mill that you can organise with your students (and much more)

  • Watercourse excursion
  • Determine water quality (saprobic index) in the Our
  • Comparison of watercourses and lakes (e.g. lake in Weiswampach, Rossmühle or Obersauer Stausee)
  • Longitudinal zonation/fish zones in the Our
  • Water chemistry (determine chemical and physical parameters of the Our)
  • Visit to mussel breeding station + explanation of nature conservation projects
  • Botany or geology Our valley (Natura 2000 area)
  • Erosion experiments and observations on fields on slopes
  • Forests: Spruce forest, beech forest, ravine forest, ...

Visits to various environmental protection projects organised by natur&ëmwelt:

Newt ponds, stream renaturalisation, measures to improve the water quality of the Our (deforestation, removal of fish migration obstacles, fencing of streams, installation of cattle drinking troughs), orchards, habitat of the blue butterfly (snake knotweed meadows), arnica plantations

Would you like to organise a different excursion? Please contact us, we will be happy to help.

Other destinations in the Greater Region:

  • Volcanic Eifel: Only 10,000 years ago, the volcanic Eifel was still volcanically active. Here you will find Eifel maars and numerous other reminders of volcanic activity such as volcanic buildings, lava flows and volcanic craters.
    One of two geoparks is located near the Kalborn Mill: UNESCO Volcanic Eifel Nature and Geopark (www.geopark-vulkaneifel.de). Approx. one hour away (depending on the destination in the park).
  • Müllerthal / Mëllerdall: Müllerthal is also a Geopark. The region stands out not only for its imposing cliffs and gorges, but also for its traditional orchards (Bongerten) with hundreds of fruit varieties, large forests, a unique fern and moss flora, natural forest reserves and an area of 42% Natura2000 sites (www.naturpark-mellerdall.lu/).
  • High Fens (largest raised bog in Europe) in the eastern part of the Ardennes: Approx. one hour away.
  • Upper Sûre reservoir: The reservoir plays an important role in the drinking water supply for the Luxembourg population, in the energy supply and as a recreational area. Swimming, canoeing, diving, surfing and sailing are permitted. Approx. 45 minutes away. (www.naturpark-sure.lu) Visit to the SEBES drinking water treatment plant, approx. 45 minutes away.
  • Weiswampach recreational lake. Approx. 10 minutes from the Kalborn mill.
    Overnight stay (and transport).

Overnight accommodation (and transport)

Unfortunately, there is no overnight accommodation for groups at Kalborner Mühle. However, there are several youth hostels, campsites and hotels in the surrounding area that can accommodate larger groups. 

There are various options for transport.

Please enquire with us, we will be happy to help.